Tuesday, May 3, 2011


It's time once again for Tell I Like It Is Tuesday.

What's on your mind?
Something bothering you that you just can't say to someone because it would cause more problems?
Here is the place to let it rip.  Just let it go in the comments section.   I promise that you will feel better to just let it go.  You can post anonymously if you like.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I am right. I do make good choices even if you dont agree

larainydays said...

I long for news reported well, not opinions, not speculations, just facts.

Amy @ Keep'n The SunnySide said...

I just want sunshine and summer time.. please?

Anonymous said...

To the stupid Independpant Medical Doctor who totally just blind sided us, you are a TOTAL ASS, pardin my french, but how can you tell us one thing in an appointment and then tell the insurance company the total opposite! My husband is in a GREAT DEAL OF PAIN and he does need another back sugery, hello when he cant feel his left side nor walk on it and its totally numb there is something really wrong, dont assume you know everything by talking to a person for a 1/2! Funny that before one goes in the appointment its said we couldnt talke a recorder device! THAT IS FUNNY!! BECAUSE YOU TOLD US ONE THING and the INSURANCE COMPANY PAID YOU $$$$$ to DENY HIS CLAIM! YOU SUCK!!! and you have no clue what my husband nor our family goes through on a daily basises!
in the mean time, he CANT WORK and that just IT! NOT becasue he doesnt WANT TO, he is physically unable to work! So while you make the big bucks denying claims, I HOPE YOU go TO HELL someday for the pain you have caused my family all to save an INSURANCE COMPANY $ when they are believing the word of 1 man, when 4 other doctors all SAY HIS SURGERY is MEDICALLY Nessary, when we get the surgery done and WE WILL you better hope and pray he doesnt have COMPLETE DAMAGE! ALL we want is him to get better so he CAN return to work, I MAY OWN you someday you JERK!!!!

that helped a little but not alot, still facing the fact that we are having to fight a battle to get a back surgery, while in the mean time my family is suffering!!!

tammy said...

It bugs me when a certain person talks down to me. I don't need a reminder that it's stake conference etc, I'm the freaking primary president, I think I know.

tammy said...

It really bugs me when I buy from other people's kid's fundraisers and they don't buy from mine. I hate fundraisers.