Friday, April 17, 2015


I recently started watching ARMY WIVES on Netflix, beginning with season one which aired in 2007.  Honestly I am not a huge television watcher so never having heard of this series doesn't surprise me.  I have a few reality shows I watch but not much else.
  The men and women cast in these leading roles are spot on, very believable in their roles.  I laugh, I cry and quite often I hold my breath when it becomes intense.  Plus, anything about military life fascinates me and the way these lives are portrayed has me hooked big time.
For me this series is like a novel that you just can't put down, the kind that time stands still when you are immersed in it.  Laundry gets ignored, cooking meals becomes irritating, having to go somewhere becomes a super inconvenience and you are pretty sure to get the answering machine if you call my house. 
This television drama airs on the LIFETIME television network if you are wondering what station it is on.  THIS IS NOT A REALITY SERIES like all the popular "Housewives" reality dramas. 
Now I must get this post finished up so I can check and see of my Kindle has charged up enough to watch a couple more episodes before bed tonight. 


  1. I enjoyed seeing that show while it was on. I'm not fond of most of the reality shows, but I do like Survivor and The Amazing Race.
    We dropped cable over a year ago and just use over the air digital antenna for the network channels and the internet connection for Netflix and Hulu Plus. I don't miss too much, but sometimes I would like to see the Food Network, and a 24 hour news channel.
    Other than that though, we're really happy not having the cable bill.

  2. Wow, I haven't heard of this one, sounds great. I on the other hand am a binge watcher. The husband and I will find a show on NetFlicks or CBC or something and binge the series, we are so bad.

    Now you have given me something else to check out.

  3. I have been known to binge watch a show or two (or 5) and I loved Army Wives!! I was so sad to say goodbye to it. After they brought it back it just wasn't as good (in my opinion). I love watching Bones now. It has kept me out of trouble for a while!!

  4. I'll have to check that one out.
    I loved Catherine Bell on the JAG series. I just finished watching all 10 seasons of that a few weeks ago.
