Wednesday, March 18, 2015


We embarked on a huge home makeover by adding a 600 sq. ft. addition about seven years ago.  Also included in that project was having a whole new kitchen built. 
(Blah brown wall before)
Are we the only ones who have left the final touch on a project unfinished...for years?
We never took the time to put a backsplash in the kitchen, not because we didn't want one but because it just seemed to get put on the bottom of the 'to-do' list for some reason.
It seemed like now was a good time to bite the bullet and make this happen.  It was also a prime time to do it because our youngest son Dustin and his wife and daughter happen to be staying with us while they have been house hunting.  Dustin is a wonderful handy guy to have around, he did all of this tiling by himself.
After much debate about tile size and color we finally made our choices and this is what we came up with.  This is the tile up before it was grouted.

And this is the tile completed.  I am so excited, now maybe I will be inspired to keep my kitchen tidy so I can enjoy the new look.

I kind of have to scratch my head and wonder why in the heck it took us so long to finish this project, it makes such a nice improvement to the house.


  1. It looks great!! I love the tile you used!!

  2. Wow Connie it looks fantastic!! Funny how we put things on the back burner. Our first home had this ugly wallpaper in the dining room. One of the first things I mentioned was that wall paper had to go., Yeah, it took 4 years before I finally got around to doing it.

    I can see you happily baking in your new kitchen, tell your son he did a great job!

  3. We're part of the procrastinators club as well. Um... I have't gotten back to finish painting the door jams from our major painting job which was well over a year ago. Quite possibly two years...

  4. That is a super nice finishing touch!! Wish you lived here, cuz I would totally love to learn how to do a tile backsplash! Yours looks perfect! Enjoy!
