Thursday, March 14, 2013

Organizing a Mountain of Fabric

My stash of fabric was getting out of control so making some sort of sense out of how it is stored was a necessity.  Even my cluttered and unorganized brain can only take so much.
Here is a the stack before the organizing began.

I have seen various ideas for organizing fabric from Pinterest and thought this method might work best for me.  I bought some foam core poster boards at the dollar store and cut them into 6.75"x9" pieces so I could wrap the fabric around them for vertical storage.  I got 9 pieces out of each poster board.

 Here is a front view of the boards.
Next I pressed and folded each piece of fabric no wider than 9 inches then wrapped the fabric around the boards
I then secured it with a straight pin.
I recently bought four of these storage bins from Thirty One, an in home party company that sells totes, purses and all kinds of cool products the help you get organized.  I thought they would be a perfect place to store fabric in.

This is three bins full of my organized fabric.  Ahhhh, no more digging through bins.
This will be way better for me when the sewing bug hits.
And here is where they will now reside, right next to the sewing machine

Now I need to tackle some other drawers and such to make crafting easier but that will have to wait until another day.  This project took me  ALL STINKIN' DAY to complete.


  1. YAY! for organization!!! I love it!!

  2. Good Job, Connie!
    Awesome idea...looks great!!

  3. Beautiful job! I so need to follow your example!
