Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Post Of Sheer Randomness

I was wondering to myself how it got to be the end of February already and what the heck have I gotten done since the first of the year?
Looking back through my photo's for the last two months I realized that I did actually get a few things accomplished.
I dusted off the sewing machine and made a couple of purses/bags using video tutorials from youtube.
 This is one I finished up this morning, it makes me anxious for spring.

  I got so inspired making the first bag that I went in search of another tutorial to make another one with some fabric I found in my stash.  Below is a flower I made last year but didn't really find anything I wanted to put it on so it sat in my container full of flowers, that is until I realized that I used the same fabrics in the bag.  I love it when things work out.
Another thing I got accomplished was canning some beef stew and some red beans.  I even got some chicken canned which I posted about here.
I spent a couple of days last week at my daughter Maria's house.  She is the one with the mini farm and has taken to raising pygmy goats. 
 This is one of the cutest babies, he is a cuddler.  He wasn't very cooperative when it came to having his picture taken.
This doe on the other hand was all too ready to pose.

This is their dog Soley, she was another one that wanted to be in the pictures.

Now, how is that for randomness?


  1. Randomness is the stuff of life! thanks for sharing your saweeeet life with the rest of us. It's fun to see your latest creative projects and the things/people you love so well.

  2. I love it all!! Your talent never ceases to amaze me. I love that your daughter has a mini farm. Someday I will have one...someday :)

  3. I enjoyed your random post. Your bags are super, I especially like the blue one, it does say spring. What fun that your daughter has a mini farm! I also enjoyed your post about your trip to the Pacific Ocean.

  4. Looks like you accomplished a great deal!
    I love that yellow purse. The colors are awesome. Way to have the flower!!!

    Love your canning stuff. Nice to have things on hand isn't it?

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  6. Those purses are so cute! Nice job with the canning too. So nice to open a jar of homemade goodness! Maria's goats are so adorable. I miss her posting pics of them.

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