Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Ever since I saw the cutest ever witches shoes on the Crafty Sister's blog I just knew I HAD to make some.
Here is the original inspiration

Here is my version below.

So that is how I spent my rainy Saturday afternoon, making me some cutsie shoes too.  Thanks Nicole and Candace, your projects always ROCK!!!

The DIY Show Off

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Back at the beginning in July I took on the task of coordinating and ordering produce from the Yakima valley in Washington to be delivered to my house and picked up by those who ordered for the purpose of canning, dehydrating or just eating fresh.

We began with cherries and each week or so thereafter we would offer different produce as it became available.  Next we had apricots, green beans, corn, tomatoes, onions, pears, peaches and ended with apples a couple of weeks ago.  Whew!  When we added up the pounds of produce that was delivered over the course of about three months it came in at just over
9,000 lbs.

For those not familiar with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints let me explain why I would even take on this task.
We are counseled by our church leaders to live providently, be self-reliant and to be prepared in all things.  One of those areas of preparedness is having extra food and other supplies on hand in the event of an emergency, job loss, illness, earthquake or any other unforeseen event.
Sooooo long story, short, I voluntarily helped lots of people help themselves.

Here are some of the things I was able to get put up for my food storage.

I also froze some corn that I didn't get pictures of.

Please don't think I am posting any of this to brag or pat myself on the back.  Hopefully others will be inspired to do something to be better prepared for those unexpected twists and turns life throws at us sometimes.

Friday, October 21, 2011


If I ran my household budget like the U.S. Government ran theirs I certainly wouldn't wonder why I was in trouble!  DUH!!!


Dear blogging friends,
There are several blogs I follow and comment on a regular basis but I have become frustrated with the comments section of some of your blogs.  Anyone that has the "select profile" drop down box, where you choose from a list of ways to identify yourself will NOT let me use my my usual google account button.  I have composed so many comments only to have them go blank when I try to enter them.  On some blogs it will let me leave an anonymous comment, but not everyone's will let me even do that.

I am especially concerned that some blogs I have commented consistently on might think I don't follow them anymore.  Two that come to mind are Dawn at Momza's and Saimi at My Dog Archie. 

If anyone has a solution I would love to hear about it.


Thursday, October 20, 2011


This past weekend we were able to get away for one last little bit before winter sets in.
It was beautiful and sunny and oh so peaceful.

I never get tired of coming to this secluded camping spot.

The beautiful little pond for fishing.

Yes there are still a few trout swimming around.  I am sure they are feeling the seasons changing too.

Have you ever seen moss so thick on the side of a tree that ferns are able to grow there?
It pretty much confirms that we get our share of rain here in the Pacific Northwest.

I love the bursts of color the trees and foliage display.

We even were able to find a frog.  We spent a week here last August where two of our grandsons,  Spencer and Landon had so much fun catching frogs.  I posted about them here. 
(It looks like my hubby could use some hand lotion.)

Here the poor little thing is trying to make it's escape.

There were also dragonflies galore.  They seemed a little dazed but would stop and get warmed up by the sun and then take off again.

A unique looking  bee landed on the outside of the truck window.  It was a pale yellow color with huge bulging eyes.

 One of the many waterfalls that we came across while driving on old logging roads in the mountains.

 Nature's artwork

More of the changing foliage

 This is a shot of Mt. St. Helen's from the northeast side. 
You can see the crater on the top right hand side.

Not too far from the place where I took the photo of Mt. St. Helen's I got this shot of Mt. Rainier.
We really do live in a very beautiful place,  I feel so blessed.


Have you heard of Miche purses?

Well if you haven't then let me explain.  There is an in-home party company that sells purses.
I don't know a lot about the background of the company but I did attend a party a couple of years ago and bought a basic black base.  I then bought three different interchangeable shells for the purse and have changed them out occasionally.  They are magnetized and just slip onto the outside of the purse when you want to change one out.

I had the opportunity to buy three more shells at dirt cheap prices because my daughters friend, who used to sell the Miche purses has decided to get rid of all of the smaller shells.  She is going with an even bigger purse from Miche and no longer needed all the small ones.
WhooHoo for me.  I now have six different looks for the same purse.

I hate to play favorites but do you see the one here on the bottom right?  She is my FAVE!!!

As you can tell it doesn't take much to make me happy!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


This is a very quick and easy project.  Just gather your materials together, pop in a good movie and make this wreath in about 45 minutes, start to finish.

List of materials:
2 pieces each, 9"x12" felt in 5-6 different colors
Straight pins
9" Styrofoam ring
Something approximately 2.5" round to use as a template
(I used a seasoning salt container)
 1. Trace circles onto felt and cut out.  These don't have to be perfectly round as you can see by mine.
I cut approximately 20-24 circles of each color.

2.  This is what I used as my circle template. 

 3. This is the only shot I got of the wreath form which is what the back looks like.  You could wrap the form with ribbon before putting the felt pieces on if you want a more finished look.

 4.  Fold the circle in half, kind of like a taco shell.

 5. Fold over again.
6. Push straight pin in close to the bottom point. (Please excuse the black looking fingers, I was painting earlier.)

 7.  Push into foam.  After the felt is in kind of fluff open to help hide the pin.

8.  Here is the finished wreath that Randy won.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I never did figure out what the whole "Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner" saying was about so I made up my own title, and I win too.  The winner has to buy me dinner. (not really)


The winner of the felt wreath is....


Thanks so much for all the nice words and comments on this project.  I will be posting a tutorial tomorrow on how easy this project was to make.

Monday, October 3, 2011


I was able to squeeze out a few minutes this weekend to make this fall felt wreath.

It took 18 small circles of 6 different colors of felt.  I just pinched the circles in the middle and pushed a straight pin into it then into a Styrofoam wreath.  In all it only took about 45 minutes to complete and that includes tracing the circles ( I used a small bottle of mustard as my template), cutting them out, and pushing the felt into the wreath.

Now I just need to decide where I want to place it, on a shelf behind fall decor, under a pumpkin on a pedestal or on a peg on the shelf in my living room.
Any suggestions or preferences?

Oh ya,  I would also like to give one of these away to someone. 
Literally all you have to do is leave a comment and tell me where you would put this cute little wreath if you won. 
I will randomly pick a name in a couple of days.