Thursday, October 20, 2011


Have you heard of Miche purses?

Well if you haven't then let me explain.  There is an in-home party company that sells purses.
I don't know a lot about the background of the company but I did attend a party a couple of years ago and bought a basic black base.  I then bought three different interchangeable shells for the purse and have changed them out occasionally.  They are magnetized and just slip onto the outside of the purse when you want to change one out.

I had the opportunity to buy three more shells at dirt cheap prices because my daughters friend, who used to sell the Miche purses has decided to get rid of all of the smaller shells.  She is going with an even bigger purse from Miche and no longer needed all the small ones.
WhooHoo for me.  I now have six different looks for the same purse.

I hate to play favorites but do you see the one here on the bottom right?  She is my FAVE!!!

As you can tell it doesn't take much to make me happy!


  1. I've never seen these, but what a cool idea. I love the red one too!

  2. Connie I LOVE these purses!!! I just went to my first party bought a base and two shells, then at the fair there was a booth so I bought two more shells! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my new purse and it totally solves my "other" purse syndrome!

    I have the medium size.

  3. WOW.. 6 purses in one. Gotta love that. I love red.. well.. and black.. but the green is cute too.. I'd have a hard time choosing.. ;O)

  4. A friend in my ward sells these and is always inviting me to parties, but I know my limitations and have resisted so far. I'd go broke! I love the bigger bags especially.

  5. I love my Miche bags.
    I use my HOPE shell the most. I colored in some of the ribbons with green to repesent heart transplants, and added my transplant date to it.
    I have the small bag also. You were lucky to get so many shells at a deal.

  6. I love love love these Miche bags and I have showed them to my husband several times as a HUGE hint!! Hopefully he takes it!

  7. Those new shells are really cute. I love the white one too! I need to get one of those.

  8. I got a miche base bag like the size of yours in addition to two shells. I got a white snake print and brown paisley like design. I got my basically for FREE off of with credits I had earned. I love my bag however in reality I need the bigger one I carry way too much stuff.

  9. I was going to say that my sister loves her Miche bag, but she already did.
