Monday, May 10, 2010

Sweet Messages On Plates

Here are the first completed projects I finished in my new craft room. I adore these square plates, they make such a good backdrop for sweet messages.

Sorry about the terrible glare on this one, it just wasn't cooperating. Camera flash glare and glare from the light above. The camera I usually use indoors wasn't cooperating either, the picture's weren't loading onto the card that I use to upload pictures to my computer. Grrrrrr, it must be MONDAY.

Linky Parties:

You're So Crafty


  1. Connie, I love all your plates!!!! But....I think maybe you missed a word on one of them??? The "have I told" plate...should it be " Have I told YOU lately that I love you?" I used to paint signs and I always dreaded a misspelled word or a left out word!!!! grrrrrrr..... When you do a bunch of something like this, it's hard to proofread everything. And if this is the way you intended the plate to read, please forgive me!!!

    They are all so great and I am going to be on the lookout for some just like them!

  2. Oh goodness Beth, thanks for pointing that out. I was so worried about the "t" in lately being crooked that I didn't even notice I left out a word in the saying.

    For those who read this and wonder about this, I forgot to put 'you' in the saying "Have I told you lately that I love you?" I have deleted the picture of it until I can get it fixed.

  3. I love the vinyl lettering you do...can I ask how much a machine costs to do that? It looks so fun.

  4. Love these plates. I have found a few here and there at Goodwill.


  5. I love your square plates and vinyl lettering. I need to pull out my cricut and give it a try. :-)
