Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I just got a bloggy award from my friend Beverly over at The Beverly Buzz. She is so sweet to pass this along.
This is what I have been instructed to do:

1. Accept and thank the person who sent it to you.
2. List 10 things about yourself.
3. List 5 additional things you don't like.
4. Pass the award on to 10 other bloggers.

Ten things about me.

1. I love to decorate my home.
2. I make a pretty good batch of cinnamon rolls.
3. I love to put jigsaw puzzles together (especially when it is snowing outside).
4. I am creative and love to make things for my home and for others.
5. I am organizationally challenged, I can get things organized but have a hard time keeping them that way.
6. I am a grandmother to six (two girls and four boys) with two more on the way, one more girl and one more boy. (Both daughters-in-law are expecting and are due on the same day.)
7. I am stubborn when I KNOW I am right about something. I don't like to back down.
8. I can be sarcastic at times and witty at others.
9. I am a reality tv junkie.
10 I love to plant flowers and have a beautiful yard. (I am not so fond of cleaning out flower beds in the spring though.)

Five things I DON'T like.

1. People who tailgate.
2. Asparagus
3. Barack Obama
4. Cleaning bathrooms
5. Injustice, especially to children.

Now I pass this lovely award off to 10 other bloggers that I would love to get to know better.

1. Embrace the Chaos


  1. I have the same 5 dislikes!! WTG I love your blog!

  2. OMGOSH, we really have so much in common! HAHA I don't have a beautiful yard, but I dream about it. I have a beautiful green, grassy yard, but not many flowers.



  3. Yea!! So glad you did this. I love learning more about you. I am also the grandmother of 2 girls and 4 boys! None on the way right now, but our son just got married last August, so I'm sure we're not done yet!

    And I feel ya strongly on your dislike #3!

  4. I can't believe you don't like Obama. I would have never guessed! :)
    Thanks for the award! I will get around to it soon. I just may suprise you.

  5. Thanks for the award. I'm not so good with awards, but I will try to play.

    We have a lot in common too! Must be why I keep coming back.

  6. Thanks Connie! You are such a great blogger, I don't even compare. I love your new floors in your craft room.

  7. Connie you are so kind! Thanks for passing the award my way, it means a lot to me! This blogging world has been so much fun, especially being lucky enough to make new friends, especially ones who inspire me like you!
    Thanks so much!

  8. Connie... thank you so much for the award! I love it! I want to thank you for always giving me such great inspiration! You are awesome...if you ever get to Utah... let me know... ice cream is on me! Huggies! Vicki

  9. I never used to like asparagus either - but now I'm trying to grow it in my garden :)
    Congrats on the award - it is well deserved!
