Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oops, I Did It Again

I am hooking up with The Shabby Nest for her frugal Friday party.
I can't get away from my black and white 'fascination' (Momza calls her addictions "fascinations" because it doesn't take on such a negative connotation, {i like this too}). I posted earlier {here} about my love of black and white.

I thought I would just stop in at a little thrift store in my VERY small town just to see what I might find and wouldn't you know...Lookie Here, a black and white pitcher. As I walked by I thought I heard a SCREAM. I stopped and sure enough it said "Take me home, I'm worth so much more than just sitting amongst this other unwanted mish mash! PLEASE!!!!" Without so much as a nano-second I had this beauty in my hands.

And then.............................

...this cute door knocker began shouting, "take me, take me", to which I obliged. Well, you just gotta know that the black and white rooster towel sitting next to it wasn't about to stay on the shelf either.

And so the black and white 'FASCINATION' continues.


  1. You have really good taste!
    At least your fascinations aren't on your feet! lol
    Love ya Connie!

  2. Great finds, love the pitcher. I have found I am in a black and white phase myself.

    Have a wonderful day.


  3. Who could pass up that pitcher?! Certainly not Connie.. LOL! J/K.. I would have grabbed it too.

  4. Thanks Connie for visiting my site, I am hoping that the information there is useful and fun!

    It looks as if you are quite the pro at finding treasures. Nice stuff!

  5. You had a very lucky day! :)

  6. Well how could you not grab that pitcher. It is PefEcT!

  7. Oh my! You are a lucky girl! :o)

  8. Cute! I love it all. I kind of have a black and white fetish going on too, especially in my entryway. I just saw a cute living room done in black and white with touches of yellow and it made me want to totally redecorate.
