Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Boxcar Children

I finally figured out why I love thrift stores and yard sales. It all started in the second grade when our teacher began reading The Boxcar Children series to the class. Oh how it set my imagination free. I was enthralled with the way these children were so resourceful, the garbage dump yielded many useful items for the children. OK, so let me clarify here, I DO NOT SCROUNGE THE GARBAGE DUMP LOOKING FOR THINGS, however I am always on the lookout for curbside freebies and treasures others consider no longer useful.

So, the question is:

What children's books made an impression on you as a child that has influenced you as an adult?


  1. I love The Boxcar Children! I used to play it with my friend when I was a kid. I can't wait to introduce it to my children.

    Another book I really liked was The Phantom Tollbooth. It helped me see things in a different way.

  2. Little Women. I wanted to be Jo.
    Still do. lol

  3. Little House on the Prairie, The Ugly Duckling and The Narnia Series. Our Librarian read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe to us, I was fascinated by it. I read this book to both of my boys as infants, as toddlers and once again as pre-kers. They have read the rest of the books on their own now. I also loved The Diary of Anne Frank. I was an early and avid reader. I was reading way before kindergarten.

    Many of the books we were required to read in junior and high school, I had already read. LOL My English teacher helped me pick others because I had read most of the classics they choose. She was awesome, she helped me find new classics and I would give book reports out loud. Ahhhh...reading, I crave, desire and love to read.


  4. Of course - all the "Ramona the Pest" books! "A Wrinkle in Time" (#1), "Mr. Popper's Penguins", all of the "Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle" books, all of the "Pippi Longstocking" series, and "The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankwheeler" (sp?!) I can FEEL each of them as I write their titles! And I know they have EVERYTHING to do with my being an avid reader and professional writer today. :)

  5. I read Lauren's comment w/o even realizing it was my daughter! I must not be fully awake yet.

    Mona and I seem to have the same taste. Love "Wrinkle in Time" (recently found it at Goodwill and gave it to my 8 yr old granddaughter), "Mixed Up Files...", "Mary Poppins", "Island of the Blue Dolphins", "Trixie Belden". Thanks for the smiles and memories!
