Monday, March 1, 2010

Craft Bazaar Inventory 2010

Here are a few more items I have completed for the November craft bazaar.

I am linking with Kara for 'Look what I made' for her linky party.
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  1. Beautiful work as always. Do you only do the one bazaar a year?


  2. You are a crafting machine! Go Connie Go.. Man how I wish I could be in your town for that bazaar!

  3. You AMAZE me... where do you get your energy... please... send some my way! My favorite is... Family together we have it all! Perfect!

  4. You certainly have an eye for this stuff!
    Love it!

  5. Wish I was close enough to go to that craft bizzar. Those plates with the ribbon through them and the one says welcome would be mine. Have you thought about an Etsy shop?

  6. You are so talented!! I LOVE craft bazaars!

  7. You inspire me to get going and be prepared...if it was only so simple!:) These all turned out so cute! I was checking in this morning to see if you were going to do a follow up on the Bachelor....dum dum what did you think with who he picked? I actually cried, good thing my hubby was already asleep and didn't witness by pathetic sympathy tears.:)
    Also I need to shoot you an email about vinyl for a project I'm going to do....
    Take care!

  8. Love that Welcome plate! Everything is so beautiful. Maybe if I start saving my pennies now, I can come to the bazaar. It's only a couple thousand miles, right?

  9. I love every single project! I can't believe you are already preparing for November. I need to be that organized! :)
