Sunday, February 28, 2010


Well, after reading the book Dear John, by Nicholas
I decided to go see it in the theater. The book, in my opinion would be a B+ to an A-. The movie, on the other hand would probably score a B-. Of course the movie never does measure up to the book but it was pretty close.

My recommendation:

Grab a friend, daughter, mother or daughter-in law and go see it but I don't think husbands, boyfriends or guy friends would like it all that much. Or just wait until it comes out in video.

Oh ya, Channing Tatum (the actor who plays John)yummmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!
{I may be old but I ain't dead}


  1. I will totally be seeing this.. and WITH THE SISTER! OH' AND YUM YUM YUM on Channing...

    my mom thinks Jacob from the twilight series... is majorally hot! ;) age doesn't mean we are dumb right? ha!

  2. I think I'll probably wait until this comes to video. I just watched the Time Traveler's Wife the other night and that was a tear jerker for me, lol.

  3. I ain't dead either! yum fo sho! I'd luv to see the movie if I ever get some free time. I agree, it is really hard for movies to live up to the books.

  4. YUMM-EE! Is right! I fell right in love with him when I saw him in "Step Up". It was so high school but he was so delicious I couldn't even stand it. And I love that his co-star from that movie is now his wife.
