Thursday, July 30, 2015


Hubby and I just spent seven glorious, lazy, relaxing and fun filled days camping in our favorite getaway in the mountains.
Yep, life is good.


 The Cispis river is near where we camp and is running quite milky from glacier runoff.

 Hubby relaxing and catching up on some reading.
I was able to do some zentangle drawing and had fun drawing these trees.
This is a small tributary that flows into the Cispis river.  It was a nice little place to cool off in.
I took all of these photo's with my cell phone so they weren't very clear but I wanted to post a picture of our dog Paige, who mind you is not real fond of water, but found this little stream to be quite enjoyable.

Wildflowers were abundant...

 and huckleberries too.
I highly recommend getting away where there is very limited internet or cell phone access, it rejuvenates the body and soul.


  1. Beautiful huckleberries!!! Good for you for getting away. I agree, the mountains feed the soul.
    Looks like a great time.

  2. What a beautiful spot!! You are quite the artist, my friend!! Are you coming to conference in October??
