Monday, January 5, 2015



I don't know about anyone else but my postings on my blog took a huge hit last year.  I don't know if it is because I have lost interest or because most of the wonderful bloggers I have gotten to know through blogging have either given up completely on blogging or have scaled way back.  I  know other social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have become the new way to communicate and share things but I still miss the heartwarming stories and pictures fellow bloggers shared.  I used to log on early in the morning to see if some of the bloggers I followed religiously had posted something new.  I loved reading about their life adventures, scrolling through pictures, catching up on news of new grandbabies and fun vacations and just the day to day things they shared. 
 With that being said, I have been tossing around the idea of abandoning my blog all together but then as I looked back through some of my posts and realized that posting on my blog brought me great pleasure and was a great way to preserve memories. I knew I needed to continue on with my blog.  I don't think many people read my blog anyway so if you are one who pops in occasionally then leave a comment now and again, I love to hear from fellow bloggers.  I will continue to share projects, family happenings, recipes, flower garden pictures and maybe an occasional Pinterest inspired project and hopefully find new bloggers along the way to follow.


  1. I'm in the same boat. I publish mine every year and last year's volume was thin. I am going to keep at it. Some day my grandkids will look back at my blog books that have become my journals and know me even better. If it isn't feeding your soul...if you can't see the purpose in it right now...put it on the back burner. Maybe it will happen more later. Maybe not. Regardless I have loved getting to know you here and appreciate your posts. <3

  2. Well doggone it, I wrote a nice long comment and it got deleted. Anyway, thank for stopping by and sharing your comments about blogging. I think I will work at posting more often.

    I look forward to your posts, especially grandbaby updates.

  3. I am in the same frame of mind. I love looking back in time on my blog. I've slowed way down on the blog. I have every intention to post, but life and other time obligations put blogging way down on the list. Just when I think I'll get back to it, something else pops up. I have Christmas cookies and stuff still to post. We had a wonderful Christmas with both of our kids and their children with us. It was wonderful. Right now though our hearts are heavy. Rick's brother passed away on New Years Eve. So we are in Brookings taking care of his funeral, and everything to do with what he left behind. It's been fairly tough, and little problems keep popping up, like his fifth wheel slideouts not wanting to retract. We need to move his rv out of the park and into a consignment lot. Doing everything, while being away from home is tough. Liberty is with us and spending most of the day snoozing in our car. We've taken her to the beach once so far. Otherwise there's been no time. We should be heading home day after tomorrow. We're waiting on the death certificates so that we can start closing bank accounts..etc. Well, I've shared too much, but the lack of blogging time really bothers me. I hope you keep up. I miss your posts when you're quiet. If you should ever want to quit, I hope you say so before dissappearing like our mutual blog friend did. One day I went to check on her blog and it was blocked.(Private). So I always wonder about how she's doing.
    Take care and I'm glad to see you here today. Patricia

  4. I read your blog. I think I started reading it several years back. Can't remember just when or why, but probably a recipe or craft. I started a little blog, just for the experience, in 2009. I have yet to do 100 posts. Life changed for my family and time is short now. I still love to read blogs when I find time. Hope you can continue if you want to. Thanks!

  5. Never give up, never surrender! If you promise to take my advise I promise to take my own - I've been a blogging slacker but I dont want to give it up either I love reading the stories people post I just need to be more diligent about posting. I like to hard copy my posts via Blog2Book and give them to my in laws and parents as gifts - I also keep one for myself it's my way of journaling - so are we good - we are both going to continue right!!??
