Monday, June 23, 2014

Early Summer Family Stuff

It seems the summer season is upon us here in the PNW; mild temperatures, sunshine and a little rain here and there, flowers blooming, baseball, strawberry season and a ballet recital.

Little Miss Dawson had her first ballet recital on May 31st.  Here she is with her bouquet of flowers from her mom and dad.

My son Dustin and my hubby Jim waiting for the recital to begin.  I believe they were talking about motorcycles and all the fun days ahead for them to go riding.  They have both waited patiently (or maybe not so patiently) for some dry weather so they can get in some trail riding.

Grandson's Matthew and Spencer kept us busy all spring with baseball games.  They will soon be moving across the state to the Spokane area.  That is going to be tough on this grandma, they have never lived more than 10 miles from us.

I just love it when the flowers start blooming, early June seems to just burst with colors.
These iris's really took off this year.  Last year there were maybe 6 blooms on the whole plant, this year they decided to put on a big show.

Of course my hostas always do well in this bed which is on the north side of the house.

This is my hardy geranium in full bloom.  The honey bees absolutely love this plant.

Here are some planters I have planted for the deck.  I am not sure how much longer the pansies are going to tolerate the weather though, they detest heat and we are coming into the warmer weather for July and August..
 I am loving New Guinea impatiens, these are starting to put on a show.

I don't usually keep signs when I make them but I really liked this one so it has found a new home on my front porch.

Here is a watering can I have had for awhile and had the brainy idea of giving it a makeover.  It is just vinyl that I cut with my Silhouette cutting machine.

What would early summer be without a few batches of strawberry freezer jam?

This is such a treat in the middle of winter.
Well that's all the happenings from around our house for the month of June, I am looking up forward to the next couple of months of beautiful summer weather.

1 comment:

  1. You seem to be enjoying every minute!! I love summer. Everything is more in focus and families are more together!!
