Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Garage Sale Tray Makeover

A few weeks back I bought this white wooden tray at a garage sale for $1 and thought I might be able to do something with it. 
You can't tell by the photo but it was pretty dingy and had seen better days.

I decided that a new spray coat of paint would be all it needed to breathe some life into it.
I painted it a soft yellow which is probably pretty hard to see in this picture, trust me though it is MUCHO improved.
This is the first vignette I tried in it but wasn't really sold on it. 
I loved the bird but the other things, not so much.

This is what I ended up with.  It is kind of springy and will take me into summer just fine I think.

I just love it when something comes together even if I had to steal items from around the house.
Has anyone else been doing any garage sale shopping?  It's that time of year to roll out of bed on a Friday or Saturday morning and hit them early to get in on all the good stuff.


  1. first, thank you for your kind comment on my post today. I'm glad that it resonated with you, Connie.
    Second, your tray makeover is darling and I'm sure will become a much-enjoyed accessory.
    I love using varying trays around the house...they keep vignettes all nice and tidy.

  2. I love the tray!! The little bird is great too.

    I used to go to yard sales all the time. I love them...I just forget now. Crazy.

  3. You so have the crafty thing dialed in girl, man I wish I had your talent!! That is so cute!!!
