Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First Camping Trip of 2013

Good friends, fresh air, somewhat good weather (we needed coats most of the time), children and grandchildren, campfire chatting, enthusiastic game playing, fishing and chillaxin'...


...made for one heck of a good time!


  1. Looks like it was a whole lotta fun!! I love family camp-outs!! The dogs crack me up!

  2. Fun!!!!
    Looks a little cold and drizzly, but then isn't that Memorial Day?

    Cute face peaking over the door.

  3. Our first camping trip is this weekend...but I don't get to go bc I have to work. Looks like you guys had alot of company too!

  4. Making memories that will last a lifetime. :O)

  5. How fun!! K so I'm cracking up herewith the dog in the chair - nothing like hanging out !! Good times!!

  6. Some of our favorite family memories involved camping. Such fun and that photo of the little one looking out the screen door is absolutely wonderful. Looks like you had a great time.
