Monday, January 7, 2013


Day 1,
January 1, 2013
Subject: Today
This is a photo taken of Mt. St. Helen's blanketed in beautiful snow on this first day of 2013.  The weather was perfect, not too cold and hardly any wind.

Day 2
Subject: Something new
This is a new dry erase board I got for Christmas.  Hopefully it will eliminate all those little pieces of paper I jot down information on then proceed to misplace or lose.
 Day 3
Subject: Heart
I was digging through some craft supplies looking for things to make Valentine decorations with when I came across these plain wooden hearts.  After fiddling around with them I thought this arrangement was kind was kind of unique so I snapped a picture.  I edited it in Picasa and added red around the edge.
Now let's see if I can keep up this little adventure and post regularly.


  1. Love the photos so far.
    Keep it up, you inspire me!
    I need to break out my camera, shame on me, I have a nice one too!

    Love your dry erase board!

  2. Beautiful!! I love that you are developing new talents while using the ones you have already cultivated!!

  3. Love that snow capped mountain. Cute hearts.. can't wait to see what you make with them.

  4. We visited your mountain when we first moved up to Washington State, in the summer of 88. It was interesting with all the damage in the area, and the new growth radiating from the areas where there had been frozen ponds and lakes at the time of the explosion. I'll never forget the sight of blown down and stripped tree trunks looking like stacks of toothpicks in straight rows. Amazing at the time and it was several years after the explosion. I even remember the interviews with the gentleman who wouldn't leave his home before the mountain erupted. I'd love to visit the area again. I've heard that there's new visitor centers and such to explore.
    We lived in Brier WA, for a year and a half during our Navy life.
