Monday, December 17, 2012


Ornaments have always fascinated me.  I love the glittery ones and the cutie-pie ones, the ones with special meaning and those that are handmade with love.  They don't have to be expensive, I have found some adorable ornaments for very inexpensive prices.

  Here are a few that I have collected over the years and each year I tell myself that I don't need to buy anymore but then I come across something so adorable that I can't resist.  I especially like to shop the after Christmas sales and buy some to tuck in with all the decorations when I put them away for the year just so I can be surprised when we bring out tree decorations the next year.

It's a good thing we have a very large tree that will allow all of the ornaments a place each year.


  1. So cute!! I do the same thing with the after Christmas sales. It's Christmas all over again when I get it out the next year :)

  2. Your ornaments made me smile, love the wavy candy and the cupcake...What a delicious tree!

  3. I love your ornaments, especially, both of the cupcakes and the light bulb.

  4. Yep, the light bulb ornament is way too cute. I saw jars of the colored 'old fashioned' light bulbs at the antique/collectible store for sale.
    Un huh, antiques! Rick and I just shook our heads in disbelief. That's an odd feeling seeing items you grew up with that are now considered antiques. It's that old nostalgia pulling on our heart strings remembering the good (ahem) old days.

  5. Thanks for sharing your collection with us. So cute! My daughter had a craft swap this year--making ornaments. You should join us next year!
