Monday, December 3, 2012

Nativity Event

Here are the final photo's take of the Festival of the Nativities.  What a wonderful experience.  This was an event opened to the public and the first such activity that our church has done in our area.  It will be an annual event and I am sure it will grow and change in the years to come.


  1. So beautiful. So much work...but worth every minute, I'm sure.

  2. What a beautiful display. I'm sure so many people appreciated all your hard work.

  3. So absolutely beautiful. I bet that everyone who came was in tears.
    Such a devoted kind woman you are to take on such a job.

  4. What a wonderful display. Your creativity and hard work were worth the effort. It's beautiful. I'd love to see this in person.

  5. Love the way it's decorated. Going to share with our nativity coordinator for next year!
