Monday, November 26, 2012

Final Major Project Before Christmas

I have had three really big projects in my life the last couple of months and the final one will be completed this weekend.  Our church (8 local congregations) which is called a Stake has been working on a Festival of the Nativities that will be open to the public this weekend.  I am not sure how many nativities will be displayed but it will be in the hundreds.  Along with the church member's personal nativities being displayed we are also having a live nativity(minus live animals) on the stage in the cultural hall (gym) and I have been put in charge of making that happen.

Lucky for me I have a handy dandy son (the one who did my entryway earlier this year and he is the one who also built my rolling craft table in my craft room) who can build anything so I immediately put him in charge of building the stable.  Everything is in the beginning stages and this is what we have so far.  I have also had a friend making costumes for Mary, Joseph, an angel, shepherds and wise men.  Someone else is building a manger for us.  Without great talented people to call upon I don't know what I would do.
 There will be tables all around the room with nativity sets displayed and it will be made to look like small shops that are geared toward the time period of Christ's birth.  The photo below is the beginning construction of those.
 There is a large tent erected in the center that will also have table displays.  The bamboo laying on the floor will be used to add a natural element, I believe they will be propped up around some areas, but am not quite sure yet.
 This would be some very hard working people painting cardboard to look like wood for the roofs of the stores.
I will be back with a post when the whole thing is completed and will have lots of pictures to share.


  1. ... and you even had time to post. Wow! It all looks like it's going to be a wonderful experience for everyone.

  2. WOW!! That is quite the undertaking!! It will be beautiful when it is all finished. What a great way to celebrate the reason for the season.

  3. Can't wait to see more pics. What a beautiful display this is going to be! Kudo's to you Connie and all the helpers for making this happen.

  4. Connie that is so cool! Our stake doesn't do it but my Grannies stake does. They went last year and said it was incredible.

    Can't wait to see the final pictures!
