Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The book club that I have been a part of for 7 years goes out to lunch one time a year rather than going to someones home.  This year we decided to go to an out of the way down home cookin' restaurant called Patty's Place at 19 Mile House.  Nineteen Mile was the name of a logging camp located nearby before the mountain erupted.  It is on the road that leads to the Mt. St. Helen's volcano recreation area.  This place is famous for it's many varieties of cobbler,  I had mountain berry cobbler with vanilla ice cream.  AHHHHH! (that would be the angels singing, it was that good).

Seven of the nine gals were able to attend.  Here we are after we finished eating.  We sat on the deck that over looks the Toutle River, the temperature was a perfect 72 degrees with a light breeze.

This is the Toutle River.  This river and area around it were flooded and swollen with water and debris from the eruption of the mountain over 32 years ago.  There was everything from trees to logging equipment that washed down through here.  As you can see Mother Nature has rebounded nicely.  The river looks muddy but it is actually full of silt and volcanic ash along with glacier run off.

This forked horned buck was laying in the flower bed of one of the ladies homes when we picked her up and he didn't even bother to move.  He almost looks like a lawn ornament.

Here was another small buck that decided we were a little too close, he was bedded down in the flower be next to the garage.  Another small doe ran off when Charlotte (the homeowner) came out her front door, it was laying on her front porch.  I would say they are quite comfortable around her place.


  1. 72 degrees? And a beautiful river? And lunch? You are a cruel, cruel woman :)

  2. So beautiful!!!!
    Are you sure that wasn't a lawn ornament. Stunning!

    Looks like some seriously lovely ladies!

  3. What a beautiful place you live in!! I am so and lush. No wonder you are a master gardener. Looks like the perfect spot for lunch and book club and LIFE!!!

  4. What was your book for this month?
    Do you spend more time discussing the books or visiting?
    Do you meet monthly?
    How do you decide which books to read?

    Your friends are beautiful and it sure does look like you have a good time.

    We lived in Brier Washington for about a year and a half during our Navy life. (1988) Rick was stationed on the USS Esteem, a minesweeper out of Seattle. At the time it was just after the Persian Gulf war (Iran~Iraq) and the minesweepers were over there cleaning out the active mines in the Gulf.
    Anyway, I loved it up in Washington state.
    We visited the mountain after the eruption. At the time, the
    devastation was still stark. The only green growth was around the ponds which were frozen over at the time of the eruption. It was amazing to see the aftermath and the contrast where the new growth was and the rest an ash grey wasteland.

  5. How strange.... We were JUST talking about that place at work. One of my coworkers daughters just got a job there and I was telling her that I had never heard of it, and there you go blogging about it. I'll have to check it out sometime.

  6. Its a sin, but I have to admit... I'm jealous. ;O) I would love to be apart of a book club like that. You're quite fortunate to have such a lovely group of women as friends. Such a great place to eat and visit too! Sounds like the temps were pleasant too. Hey.... what was the book?
