Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Ummmm ya! 
I really can blame this on the puppy. 

 I was carrying a heavy armful of things into the house, which included a cast iron frying pan and a ceramic bowl that was full of pasta salad when Paige (the puppy) decided to try and beat me through the door.  I tried to make it to the counter to put things on there but fell forward hitting my uppper cheek bone on the corner of the counter, breaking the lens on my glasses in the process.   I haven't had a shiner since I was a kid--and that is a loooooooooooooong time ago. 
Warning: Puppies can be hazerdous to your health.

I think I will wear sunglasses in public until this goes away.


  1. Wow!
    That's a doozy!

    You're going to have to come up with a fantastic story to tell :)

    Climbing Mt. Everest, shooting the rapids....~~~LOL!

  2. Ouch! That looks scary. Try some arnica to help with the bruising.

  3. oh no! You warned me, and I can't say it's been easy. Fun, exasperating, painful, sweet and crazy all at the same time. She's asleep right now... hooray!

    I hope your bruises go away soon and that your new lens or glasses don't take too long. I'd hate to be without mine for too long. Take care,... Did you save the salad?

  4. Ouchie Ouch Connie that's a smart one!

  5. OUCH!! Dang dog!! Good thing we love those fur babies!!

  6. I can see I'm in good company when I say OUCH! I cringed just reading this. Thank goodness your eye is ok! Too bad about the glasses though.

    My Sadey is no longer a pup, but she's a pups size, and she is all the time getting under my feet, especially in the kitchen. I agree, they can be hazardous to your health.. LOL.. but at the same time, they keep us young too I think. ;O)

  7. Yikes!!! And you just got new glasses!!!

  8. I'm jealous. I always wanted a black eye. Oh wait, that was when I was 8.

  9. Oh my goodness!!! I am so sorry.

    You are a brave woman to post that so that your children may mock you on the internet.

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  11. Oh my, I do hope that it's better by now! You are lucky you didn't break a bone or get some glass in your eyes. My cat has almost tripped me a few times, because, well, she thinks she's a dog & races me when I walk to a different room, just trying to get some EXTRA attention!

  12. Oh ouch!! I know, those animals have a tendency to do that. Hope it's all better by now :)
