Wednesday, May 23, 2012


You know sometimes you just have to get together with friends and have a little girl time and that is exactly what I did last night.  For me personally, crafting is a passion and if I can talk people into sharing my passion with me, well all the better.  New friends, old friends and even a couple of girls I have seen grow up right before my eyes came to my house to make their own  "YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE" signs.

Debbie is busy cutting the paper for her sign.  Love her!

Carolyn was so enthusiastic that she decided to make two signs. Love her!
(She had to leave early before hers was finished but she will be back tomorrow to finish them.)

 Jonna (she was born the day after my oldest son, her mom and I were in the hospital at the same time) is getting a jump start on a couple of Christmas gifts for her daughters.  Love her!

Ami, (I used to babysit her when I was a teen and she is now a grandmother, that makes me feel pretty ancient) was the first to complete her project.  What an awesome crafter she is, you just point her in the right direction and she takes off.  Love her!

Kathy is one of my newest friends, she is such a hoot.  Love her!

Carol (Love her too!) and Debbie with their finished signs.
(The pictures of Carol working on her project all turned out blurry)

Kathy was pleased as punch with her finished project.

Ta Ta For Now!
Until next time...


  1. What a FUN project!! What a bunch of talented friends you have. Birds of a feather flock together!!!

  2. Wow Connie how FUN!! What a great way to enjoy friends, and the sign...
    super cute, super, super cute!!

  3. How fun! And you're right. Kathy is a hoot! :)

  4. What a big job! What a fun friend you are to share such a talent. I love each one of them. I bet they had a blast, such a cute idea. I think you should do a weekly craft that you post so we can get already for Christmas.

    Did I really just say that word????

  5. I just love those signs. So sweet! Like I said on FB.. sure wish I lived closer. Would love to craft with ya Connie. ;O)

  6. that is SO AWESOME....i have been with my hubby for 31 years...and dont laugh..but THAT'S OUR SONG!

  7. What a fun time! Makes me wish I lived closer!
