Sunday, April 22, 2012


Yes, that would explain our sweet (?) four month old puppy.  How can such a small animal creat such havoc, destroy things, chew everything in sight and still remain lovable?  All I can say is that being cute is probably the only thing that has saved her so far.

Please note:  If you are planning on getting a puppy, even if you have had dogs in the past, it is somewhat like childbirth.  You kind of forget the hard part until it's too late.


  1. My sympathies, friend. My adult dog has taken to getting into the trash. Something she hasn't done for a long time. Hang in there!! Good thing they are so cute!!

  2. Life with a puppy.. it takes A LOT of patience.

  3. And some puppy qualities seem to live on, even in our middle aged dog. Good luck with that cute pup.

  4. I wrote a comment yesterday and it disappeared while sending it from my phone or Kindle... not sure which. Anyway, I felt like this post was perfect timing for me. We're still looking for a lab puppy... oh dear...
    We're in contact with someone who's puppies are due any day now. Plus we have a friend checking for us at the second chance program that she volunteers for. I love your puppy, those ears are cute. We're looking for a yellow lab as that's what Brinkley was. We sure do miss him.

  5. Oh my goodness, our lab was the worst as a puppy! Such a sweet dog, but such a naughty dog when he was little.
