Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Goody Baking

Spent the day yesterday with some of my favorite peeps in all the world doing our annual Christmas baking.

(L to R, grandaughter Addison, Me,daughter Natasha and daughter Maria)

We made chocolate chip cookie dough balls,

White chocolate peppermint cookies, and lots of other good stuff too.

Here is Addison getting a close peek at what goodies she is going to eat first.

Maria looks a little too eager to do some sampling.

Peppermint pinwheels were a first this year, they look so festive.

It wouldn't be Christmas without the Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies

Rolo cookies.
  These are made by wrapping chocolate dough around a Rolo and the top dipped in chopped pecans then they are baked.  TO. DIE. FOR!!!

So what are some of  your favorite Christmas goodies?


  1. Oh my goodness!!!!!

    Holy cookies Batman! I can't believe how much fun the colors are! You girls are beautiful and I bet you had a great time. The finished product is beautiful. You didn't show a picture of the kitchen. Did it stay clean and organized? I'm such a mess when I cook.

    Hopefully you will share recipes.

    Have a great week!

  2. Oh my GOSH girl you have a regular bakery going on there!

    Those treats look AMAZING!!

  3. Oh my God, what a spread! I couldn't have that much "goodies" in the house, there would be a sugarfest and we'd all hit the ceiling!
    One of my favourites is vanilla shortbread, with a nice cup of tea. Plain, simple, but delicious if made well!

  4. Such a fun family experience for you girls. Yummy treats too! I just cant have that kind of yummy goodness in my house, I would eat it all!

  5. wow, Connie! These looks delicious! You have my address, right? lol

  6. I am ready to faint with hunger looking at this cookie extravaganza. They are all beautiful. Last night I tried a peanut butter cookie that is wrapped around a milk dud. They were delicious.

  7. What fun! Glad you showed us photos before they were all packaged up and sent on their way. I bet it smelled wonderful. Did you prepare doughs ahead of time or mix them all up on the same day?

  8. WOW!! Let me just say that again. WOW!! I am so jealous. I think I will organize a cookie exchange this year since my sister isn't here to help me do all the baking. Yours all turned out so yummy looking!!!

  9. Can I be your neighbor or whoever you are giving these too. Oh my you girls are fantastic - I haven't even had time to bake. Everything looks so delicious!

  10. You guys did awesome! Sorry I missed it this year!

  11. Now that looks like fun, to all get together and bake. They looks beautiful, every platter! (My pic with Santa..1953) ;D
