Wednesday, December 21, 2011


OK, so I am having a little grouchy moment here and it has nothing to do with Christmas.

It actually has to do with bloggers, pinterest people and facebook friends posting Valentine's stuff. Come on you over-achieving people let us get through one holiday before starting to shove the next one coming up down our throats.  Seriously people,

(I feel so much better getting that off my chest)


  1. UH-GREED!!!! I have not come across these *yet*, but I know they are there:(

  2. I haven't seen this yet, but I totally hear ya sista!

    I am enjoying the beauty of this season, and I am NOT ready to let it go. In our church the CHRISTmas season doesn't officially start until Dec. 25. There will be NO Valentine decoration on my blog or home for quite some time. I will say though, that about a week ago I saw some Spring / Easter Items on Pinterest.. now that is just going too far.

  3. That is pretty early, I agree. Merry Christmas Connie. :D

  4. DUDE!! I'm am so with you on this one. I LOVE Christmas and want to enjoy every minute of it. I don't want to hear about anything that comes after New Year's until AFTER New Year's!!!

  5. Amen sista!
    I want Christmas forever. I'm not kidding.
    I love the music, the smells, the decorations.....I just love it!

  6. From someone who banned by beloved KLOVE radio station for playing Christmas much before Thanksgiving, I am soooooooooooo with you and so tired of everyone jumping from one holiday to the next before the first one is over, it is like being forced to buy a bathing suit in winter because come summer you can only find winter clothes.
    I am with you! Amen!

  7. I haven't noticed a new season coming in yet, but then again, I haven't looked beyond "Christmas" either. I love this time of year and will be sad when it's over in just a few days.

  8. Hmmm... I haven't seen anything Valentine's Day yet... But thats because I am not looking, and I am pretty much anti-pintrest. Cute ideas, but who really has all of that time? What did that other post you did say...Something about Feeling creative, but really just sitting on the computer for the last 3 hours! If you are looking at Valentine's Day stuff I think its time to blink a few times and maybe close the laptop for a while and find something else to do. ha ha

  9. Totally agree! It's ridiculous!

  10. I know I am one of those "offenders"... I post when I see it or I will think I posted it when I didn't ... lol! It's nice to finally get caught up on my blog stalking...
