Friday, November 11, 2011


This is what caught my attention on Pinterest this week.

Love this idea for an old shutter.  Wouldn't it be perfect for the bathroom?  Or maybe in the bedroom? You can find a great tutorial on how to make this on

This is a must for me to make for Thanksgiving. 
Recipe is found here.

Love, Love, Love this pillow idea.
Tutorial found The Gunny Sack blog.
Now all I need is to set aside some time to make these.  I really need to budget my Pinterest looking time.


  1. My you have good taste! Love them all.

  2. Love it Connie. I am at Ariana's and she loves it too. LOL I need you to show me how to work pinterest :)

  3. OOH, I love all three of these..the pillow looks a bit hard to make for me though but I love it too! :D

  4. That is funny....budget your pinterest looking time????
    Honey....spend away!
    There is no budget.
    Other than trying to make all the great things you love.
    The whole pinterest thing is just incredible to me.
    I imagine a few years from now people will say "what was life like before pinterest?"
    Boring I'm sure.

  5. What a darling idea for an old shutter! I love it!!

  6. Love it all but that pillow is especially cool - very very pretty isn't it!

  7. Love that shutter idea! You find some really good things on Pinterest. Thanks to your warnings, I'm staying away. I'll just steal your stuff! ;-)
