Thursday, November 17, 2011


Man I LOVE Pinterest. 
There are so many fabulous ideas floating around it makes a crafter go NUTS!

I have always loved this saying, I even installed it directly on the wall of my friend Jane's house.  Go here to see how hers looks.

Here is the inspiration piece I got off of Pinterest via Etsy on Sweet Designs Boutique.

Here is my version.
My project consists of an old calendar holder, you know the ones everyone had a few years ago to hold all those adorable calendars?  Well if you check at Goodwill they have those in all the time.  The only thing I did was lightly sanded it and spray painted it black.  I then glued down some pretty scrapbook paper and then applied vinyl lettering on top of it.

Oh Pinterest, what did I do before discovering you?

For more Pinterest inspiration there is a linky party going on over at 5 Minutes for Me.


  1. That is beautiful!!! I love it . I have one of those calendar holders that I am still using. Good idea!

    Ya, pinterest.......I am so BAD!

  2. Hey, this looks awesome, great ides..which Pinterest is full of for sure! ;D

  3. Yes, I have that calendar holder. I purchased mine from Gooseberry Patch several years ago.

    I plan to turn it into a chalkboard ~ when I get around to it. I've already purchased a can of chalkboard paint, so there's no reason it hasn't been completed yet.

    Your project looks perfect.

  4. What a nice saying to hang in your home around the holidays. its a reminder of what the holidays are really about.
    I mentioned you in my most recent blog post as one of my favorite blogs!

  5. It turned out fabulous Connie! Love, love your vinyl work!

  6. You are so right about Pinterest! I would also be quite lost without it.

    I am actually hosting my weekly Pinterest Linky party at the moment so if you have 5 minutes to spare please pop by. I would be honoured if you could link up this post!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me.

  7. PS I should have mentioned that I found you via Jonquil from A Whimsical Christmas!


  8. I love the way it turned out!! Pinterest is the best invention EVER!!!

  9. Hi Connie, I get my wool felt at a quilt/sewing/craft shop. They sell fat quarters for about $2.75 or so. They sell wool felt on the bolt, and I think it's about $18. a yard. That seems very expensive but most projects take very little wool felt.
    I've seen wool felt on bolts at JoAnns fabrics and with the 40% coupon it wouldn't be quite so expensive. They're limited in their choice of colors though.

    Check out Elizabeth's blog. She does a lot of wool felt stitching.

    She talks about an online source for the felt she uses in this post here.

    I hope this helps.
    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog.

  10. I like that saying and I love how you reuse those calendar frames. I checked out your Pinterest, fun stuff, makes me want to craft, bake, then eat.

  11. What a gorgeous reminder to guests and family members. You did a beautiful job. I'd love for you to come link this up to the Head to Head Showdown, going on right now at ~Jen

  12. Thanks for linking up! ~Jen @

  13. Me again! Just wanted to pop back and say thank you for linking up and Happy thanksgiving!

    Hope you will be able to join in with my Pinning & Singing Pinterest party again soon!

