Sunday, September 11, 2011


I made these fall topiary's two years ago and thought I would post about them again.  After all, it's that time of year again.   You know, when the leaves begin to change and the gardens are giving one last hurrah for the harvest.

I found these two garden pots at Goodwill and knew that they had potential, I just wasn't sure exactly what I would do with them.  Out came the black spray paint.
 After I sprayed the pots I stared gathering some fall decorations hoping that something would spark my creativity.
 I turned the pots upside down, the pumpkin seemed to fit better that way.

I just used a knife to cut away the stem so the next pumpkin would sit on top nicely.

I printed up some vinyl lettering to go on the pumpkins.

The vinyl lettering actually stuck well.

Here they began to take shape.

This is what the final product turned out to be.
Note:  I got the styrofoam pumpkins at Michael's but I have seen them many other places since then.


  1. Those are really cute! Hey I have a question....You did a fall plate with something thanksgiving on it. I think you picked up the plate at walmart. Anyway I liked what you did with it so I bought the same plate but I can't remember the saying you put on it.

    Does this ring a bell with you? Anyway maybe you can repost that one so I can finish my plate!!!


  2. That is darling!
    I love it.
    Saving the idea and probably going to shamelessly copy it.
    Pretty please?

  3. I just love these :) You do such awesome ideas girl and I absolutely enjoy coming over to see what you've been up too!!

  4. I'm glad you reposted because I didn't remember these from last year. They are really cute.

  5. Thank goodness for reposts! Your topiaries are completely awesome.

    Thank you SO very much for linking up to Fall In Love Wednesday.
