Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Our mini vacation took us to Sister's, Bend and Prineville, Oregon.
I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of the town of Sisters so I had to go to the Internet and borrow a couple so that you could see how beautiful it is there.

This is a shot of the Three Sisters Mountains, after which the town of Sisters got it's name.

 You can see from the architecture of this post office that the theme is 'the old west'.  All of the businesses and homes in Sisters were built to resemble this era.  All of the homes have a rustic charm to them, even the new construction ones.
I understand that the whole town turns into a quilters paradise this week with quilters coming form all over the country to enjoy this HUGE event.
There are cute shops and gallery's full of beautiful artwork and quilts.  A very fun place to visit.

The rest of the photo's are my own.
We have some very good friends, Ren and Sue, that moved to Sisters a little over a year ago and we were able to spend some time with them.  They drove us around the countryside and it was just beautiful.
 Below is the beginning of the Metolius river.  It just bubbles up out of the ground at the base of some rocks.
 Here is a shot of the river just a few hundred feet downstream from where it starts.

 This is the same river a few miles downstream.  It was gorgeous and looked VERY cold.

This is a picture of a beautiful fir tree amongst the mostly pine forest.  

We had some close encounters with these beasts of the forest.  Well, not beasts but they were definitely courageous.  They assumed we had some treats for them, unfortunately we weren't able to deliver, we had no food with us.
Look at that begging pose, who could resist? 
They knew how to 'work it baby'. 

 Here is one taking the food right out of my hubby's hand the next day at the Prineville Reservoir park.  We were feeding them some grapes but found that they liked the Fritos better.

Below is a photo of the Prineville Reservoir. 
It is a beautiful lake with great campgrounds and boat launches.
 Here is a shot of Mount Adams in Washington (looking north from Oregon).  We were coming down from the mountain pass near Hood River Oregon.

 This is the majestic Mt. Hood.

And one final shot from the car of the Columbia river, which runs between Oregon and Washington.  This is what is called the Columbia River Gorge, one of the most beautiful places around.


  1. Those are beautiful pictures! I love the chipmunks. Ya, they are little beggars.

    I didn't know the history and have only been to Oregon once. Loved it's green fresh smells. Pine trees are beautiful.

    Looks like you had a fun time!

  2. Gorgeous snow capped mountains. Glad you had a nice time!

    Ahh.. my mama feeds the squirrels. She has them trained to stand up for their peanuts.

  3. We're taking a trip to Oregon soon. These pictures only increase my anticipation.

  4. That area is truly one of God's masterpieces - a beautiful, beautiful area.
    Your pictures are wonderful!

  5. Love your pictures..so beautiful, I love places like this! Love the munks too..so cute and I don't blame them, I love the cheetos too! ;D

  6. What a beautiful place!!

  7. Oh I'm so glad you were able to get out and about!!! What a BEAUTIFUL trip and the weather couldn't have been more perfect!

    I love those darling little chipmunks who could resist!

  8. Beautiful pictures. I am so ready to move there. Let's be crazy and go!

  9. Awe! How sweet! Looks like ya had a wonderful time.

  10. I think those chipmunks are awfully cute. We'll be in Oregon next weekend. We have family there in Brookings, on the southwest corner of the state. I'm looking forward to the kite festival on the beach. Oh, and seeing the family of course. Take care.

  11. Thanks for the beautiful vacation update. If you ever get to the area of Aberdeen Washington, send me an Email, would love to chat!

  12. Gorgeous pictures! Looks like a fun time was had by all--including Chip and Dale!

  13. Absolutely stunning scenery!! I would love to live around there :) Cute little chipmunks and they look like that wasn't the first time they took food from humans lol.

  14. I cried tears of sorrow..I want to be there so bad. Portland and the Redmond area are where I found my birth family. I went out there 4 years ago. My new family took me to Sisters for us Sisters to spend some time...I miss the scenery..the calmness of life there...my new family...and the air..I swear it is so clean!!!Oregon calls me constantly.Thanks for sharing these.

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
