Monday, June 13, 2011


This week has been busy with doing things around the house.  A little babysitting, planting flowers and yard work have been mostly what's happening 'round here.

Babysitting this little cutie.  I watch her a couple of times a week.  Dawson is almost nine months old, where did the time go?  It seems like just yesterday I was posting about her birth.

We've spent some time moving some plants around in the yard and planting new ones too.
I cut a clematis down and transplanted it to this area from a temporary raised bed along with a couple of other plants that I can't remember what they are.  Maybe liatris or maybe some lilies?  Hopefull they will thrive in their new home.

Here is my rhubarb that is sharing the same bed as the above plants.  Hopefully they will all get along and thrive.

This whole flower bed got a makeover this year.  It was taken over by lots of weeds and we declared war on it this year.  I planted some new perennials this year in it so maybe by next year they will fill in a little better.

Below is an area by the made over flower bed that we re-seeded with grass seed.

This is the side of our storage shed.  It needs some pretties too.

I have a wisteria that I am trying to train to be a tree instead of a meandering vine.  The only problem with that is that you can't see the blossoms unless you go under the tree.  These blossoms smell heavenly.
 This is what it looks like as a tree.

This is one of the azaleas that is in bloom right now.
The only plants that were here when we bought the house eleven years ago were azaleas and rhododendrons.

All the rest of the photo's are taken in the front of the house.  I know I posted about a lot of them already but they are finally starting to grow and fill in.

And that explains why I haven't gotten any crafting done lately.  I have been playing outside in the yard instead of my craft room.


  1. Awww what a cutie. One of my local grand children is also 9 months now.She is trying to walk around furniture..too early!! Her name is Paisley.
    Love all the flowers.I miss that here.The last 5 years here where we has been so dry or so extremely hot...that it is a waste of money to plant anything.
    My 1/2 sister lives in Portland Oregon
    when I visited her for the first time 4 years ago..I arrived at the end of May..the Rhodadendrums (MS) were gorgeous.We never see those here in Tx.I felt like I had landed at many hanging baskets everywhere we went
    beautiful landscaped was awesome..I could so live there!! your yard.I am emailing you with a blog you might be interested in and an upcoming
    vintage sale in your area.

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. Spending time with the grandkids is so much fun. I'm not getting any sewing done either as there is just too much to do outdoors. Hopefully I'll get back to it, but gardening and outdoor chores are priorities for now. Take care,

  3. First of all Dawson has such a sweet little face - I bet it is such a joy to get to watch her!! Lucky You!!

    I love this time of year when the yard starts to come alive with color after a long, wet and cold winter! Your yard is looking really beautiful! That Wisteria tree is something else with the blossoms blooming underneath - very unusual!

  4. I felt like I took a walk through the Secret Garden, very lovely, very lovely indeed!

    You have a wonderful green thumb!

  5. Wow I can't believe she's 9 months old already!! You're right...where has the time gone. She's adoreable :)

    Your yard/flowers look gorgeous!! I have wanted to update mine but haven't gotten around to it but you, as always girl have given me inspiration :)

    Have a great week!!

  6. OH I'd say you've been crafting.. just with a different medium. Very pretty!!!

  7. Looks like the perfect way to spend time when you're not crafting!!

  8. That sweet face is all the excuse you need not to be crafting. It does seem like just yesterday she was born. Wow!

    Your yard is gorgeous. Love all the color and variety. I have that same star out on our covered deck!

  9. Your flowers and yard are lurvley!!!
    Not only do you have a crafting thumb, you have a green thumb!!!

    That is a seriously cute munchkin! Heck forget about how time flies with the grandkids. It was just yesterday that I had kids that age! I'm pretty sure it isn't possible that I have 7 grandkids.

    I don't blame you for not being in the house during the beautiful outside.

  10. You have such a pretty yard!
