Monday, April 11, 2011


Here is another Meet Me On Monday post.  Join in the fun if you would like over at:


1. Who would be your dream celebrity date?

2. Do you have any food restrictions?

3. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning?

4. Sausage or bacon?

5. Do you Google, Bing or Yahoo?


My Answers!
1.  Good question.  I have a secret crush on Harry Connick Jr.  He could swoon in my ear all night long. Ahhhh.

2.  The only thing that bothers me are fried or scrambled eggs.  I have been known to throw up right after eating them.  Don't know why because eggs cooked into food don't bother me.

3. From start to finish, about 45 minutes.  That includes shower, get dressed, dry hair, put on makeup and out the door.

4.  Jimmy Dean all the way, yummmmmm!

5.Google, ALL. THE. TIME.


  1. Hi Connie! Actually, seeing your post is what reminded me to do it on my blog, lol.

    Love Harry Connick, Jr!

  2. Hi Connie...thanks for stopping by and saying hi today for Meet Me on Monday! Really enjoying checking out your blog. Harry is a real sweetheart and I love the idea of sausage but it doesn't agree with me ;) Hope you have a great day. Fondly, Roberta

  3. Always fun reading these. Weird about the eggs.

  4. Harry is a cutie for sure. :)

  5. Yep Harry is...well....handsome as ever!! Good choice! As for me I love bacon extra crispy~

    Always fun reading about you!!

  6. Oh his voice! Yes, yes!
    Seems like we have a few things in common. Thanks for coming by and following.
    I am now following you. ;)
    Peace...Naila Moon

  7. Does anyone use Bing? I know Microsoft had high hopes for it, but I think we're all still Googling!

  8. Hi Connie! Thanks so much for your comment on my Meet Me on Monday post. I love that we are "sausage sisters" heehee.

    Jon Hamm plays the lead character, Don Draper, on "Mad Men," which airs on AMC. It is such a good show and, if you enjoy really dramatic, 1960's-period shows, you should check it out! He was also on "30Rock," in a few episodes.

    Also, Harry Connick, Jr. is SUPER dreamy! I love seeing him on talk shows because he is just so funny!

  9. Hi Connie. Thanks for visiting Just One Donna. Eggs used to make me sick to my stomach for a whoile when I was a kid, but I seem to have outgrown that. It was the whites for some reason. Love those daffodils!!

  10. What a fun link party! I enjoyed learning a little more about you :)

  11. Thanks for coming by my place

    Didn't know about Harry, but he is a "doll"!

  12. It's always so interesting to get to know other blogger just a little bit better. I'm a bacon gal.

  13. Hi Connie! I wanted to tell you my artichoke secret. I've actually never cooked them myself either!! I get the canned artichoke hearts and use those in my cooking. They're so easy and quick, and add a little bit of veggie deliciousness to so many things!
