Friday, April 29, 2011


Does anyone else feel like I do?  With the economy the way it is, the price of gas at over $4 per gallon, the tornado's that have ravaged the south and killed so many people and the unrest in the middle east I am having a difficult time getting too excited about the 'Royal Wedding'.  Why all the hype?

Just My Opinion!


  1. I thought I was the only one who didn't have any interest. It is soo beyond my reality and I have way too many other important things to focus on. Have a great day!

  2. I wanted to see the dress. I dvr'd it for that very reason. I must say I enjoyed the royal procession back to the palace. I think Catherine is a breathe of fresh air in an otherwise stuffy uptight bunch of all too spoiled royals.

    England's economy is in the toilet much like ours. Gas is over $10 a gallon, and the taxpayers footed much of the bill. Still yet, they came out in droves to see what they could see. The country for the most part are thrilled.

    IMO.. to each is own. I'm over it now. She has no idea what she has just married into I believe. What a reality check. She can't even go by Kate anymore.. now it must be Catherine.

  3. I don't get it either. Maybe it's just something lighthearted in the midst of so much sadness and tragedy.

    My husband asked me the other day who Kate Middleton was. Lucky him to not know!

  4. I love it!! It is happy news in the midst of a world that seems to be all doom and gloom.

  5. Everyone is a sucker for a great fairy tale. This is the kind of story that has been written about through all the ages. Common girl lands handsome prince! Love it!

  6. I love your honesty, Connie!
    Like Sunny...I just wanted to see the dress too. lol.
    I think Kate will hold her own. She's adorable. And yes, what a great fairy tale in today's times.

  7. for me it is because of the tornadoes, gas prices and general unhappiness that made the wedding so appealing. For a few days I could think of another world...a world that doesn't really exist...but for a few felt like it did.

  8. From what they reported the people only paid for security the rest was on the Queen. And the amount of money they pull in through tourism more than pays for anything the royals cost.

  9. With the economy the way it is, the price of gas at over $4 per gallon, the tornado's that have ravaged the south and killed so many people and the unrest in the middle east, I think the world needed the Royal Wedding for a momentary, fantastical escape from reality.

  10. You are definitely not alone in your opinions... I'm right there with ya.

    Dropping by from Follow Friday 40 and Over... Am one of your newest followers.

    Hope you're having a GREAT weekend!

