Thursday, March 17, 2011

Popcorn Popping or Forces of Nature?

Seeing this idea in magazines recently I decided to try it myself. 
I cut some branches off of my flowering cherry tree about ten days ago and put them in water.

Not really too attractive at this point.
 You can see that there are lots of buds wanting to burst.
 This is what they look like today.  Doesn't that look like popcorn?

I am sure you have heard of 'the forces of nature'.
I like to call this 'forcing nature'.

Spring is on its way, YIPEE!


  1. That is so neat! I must be living under a rock, cause this is the first I've seen of that done indoors. Very pretty!

  2. I love! I love! Mine are aleady blooming outside! Next week I have a 3 day trip to the Cherry Blossom Festival a few hours away. Can't wait.

  3. I love this idea. I should prune my orange tree and force them to open indoors. I'm going to try it.

  4. Connie that is really cool - I had no idea you could do that!

  5. I've always wanted to do this! blossoms would smell so good too. Maybe I'll have to trim the neighbors tree.

  6. ohhhhhhhhh! I love cherry blossoms.

  7. Love the way that looks! Wonder if it'd work with forsythia? Mine is being ornery about blooming this spring.

  8. Hi this is Nicole from Colie’s Kitchen I just discovered your blog and wanted to drop by and say hi. I am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.

  9. I didn't know you could do that!! That is very pretty :) Feels good to be checking out my friends again in blogland to see what they are up too. A few weeks of catching up lol.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Those are so inspiring, especially since we have had such terrible weather. I think I will do that to. Just for some cheer.

  11. Wow, Connie, I'm gonna try this, too! I liked all the stages. Stopping by for MMOM. blessings, k
