Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The crocuses are ready to put forth flowers.  They will be the first to bloom.

The daffodils won't be far behind the crocuses.  Look at those tight buds, they can't wait, and neither can I.
The tulips are being very brave poking their little heads out.  Also the bleeding hearts (shoots on the right side of the photo) are showing some bravery as well.
Another little patch of daffodils.
Can you tell I am anxious for Spring to arrive?   Unfortunately the weather is calling for snow and lower than normal temps. over the next few days, I am hoping these little gun jumpers are hearty enough to stand it.


  1. So there is hope then, isn't there? It's always about this time that it seems winter and cold weather will never end. Then these little glimmers of hope arise to remind us that sunny days aren't too far off. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh dear, I hope your in coming snow storm is kind to your flowers! They sure are brave!!

  3. Since we are getting hit with the snow also, I heard on the news today to make them basically a little greenhouse with some light tarp and a little pvc pipe to keep it off of it and they can make it :) It's been a strange day that's for sure weather wise. Hope you don't get hit and those beauties survive :)

  4. Those tulips are going to be gorgeous!! I am excited for ya!:)

  5. I miss having tulips. I've never seen them grown here, except inside.

  6. awww love those green tips poking up to the sky!!
