Monday, January 17, 2011


Here's the scoop:
First of all, I never thought I would get 10 followers on my blog let alone 190, I am shocked.
My goal is to reach 200 followers.  In camparison to some blogs that have thousands of followers I am a guppie in the ocean, but I would be thrilled to just make it to my goal.

Here is how you can help.
  If you are already a follower and you happen to mention my little dilema on your blog or would like to make my day and become a follower, if you aren't already,  I would be not only honored but I would enter your name into the drawing for one of the funniest books out there about motherhood called Mother's Daze, by Jane Isfeld Still.  It will be personally autographed by Jane herself.

 My friend Jane Still is one of the most quirky and hilarious people I have ever met.  Not to mention, she can run circles around people like nobody else.  She is new to the 'published works' world and is about to release her second book in the series soon.  I would like to offer a copy of her first book free to one of my friends in the blog world (because you know we seem to live in our own little world stalking enjoying wonderful people and their blogs so we kinda live in our own little happy place).

#1. Mention this giveaway on your blog
#2 Become a follower if you aren't already
#3 Leave a comment letting me know you have done #1 and/or #2.
#4 I will draw the winning name when my goal is reached.
#5 Please leave a way for me to contact you.


  1. Well, I see you already are one closer to your goal! Good for you! I'm getting close to 100 and am trying to decide on a giveaway, as well. Good luck.

    I'm a long time follower (as you well know) and will definitely post about this on my blog!

  2. Beverly from the buzz sent me.. i love reading her every day i am sure i will enjoy your blog also.

  3. Just read your profile. By God's grace you and I are being transformed daily into the women He wants us to be. *hugs* k

  4. I was sent here after reading the post Beverly had put on her blog. I have enjoyed reading your posts and decided that I want to continue with you! I am now a dedicated follower! And I want an apron! :o)

  5. Oh! And I did post about your blog and your goal on my blog!

  6. I am your newest follower! And not because of your giveaway (which I would love to win) but because your blog is AWESOME! Please come visit mine and maybe you'd like to follow me too!

  7. Just a guppy in the ocean....Boy where does that leave me? HA!

    Good luck reaching your goal!!! :)

  8. I'm #198! Beverly @ the buzz sent me! Glad to be following you now!

  9. Now you're only 1 away from that goal!
    I'm nearly at 100 followers, and, like you, never thought I'd have even 5!

  10. Whoo hoo!! I am your 200th follower! Congrats girl! Beverly@ the buzz sent me over, and I'm glad to follow! I'd love to be entered to win the book! I'm such a book worm! Thanks! Feel free to visit my blogs anytime at and!

  11. you did it!! and in one day! i am so excited for you!! good job, gf!

  12. CONGRATULATIONS you did it. :) I even got one new follower on my blog too.

  13. Way cool, Kathy, #200! Go girl!

  14. Congrats on reaching 200!! Exciting! I am bummed I missed the giveaway but I was already a follower :-D
