Saturday, December 18, 2010


For today's challenge I am supposed to tell why I have done this 30 day challenge.

First of all, I thought it might be kind of fun to have something to post about every day without having to come up with something myself.
Second, I just wanted to see if I could be consistent and keep up with it for the whole 30 days.

I know it would be much more interesting if I did this challenge because I had some strong inner desire to share my hugely interesting life with y'all but unfortunately I have a very low key life without endless adventures and numerous stories to share.  I am just me in my little corner of the world doing what makes me happy and if anyone happens to stop by and read about it, then all the better.


  1. I like little corners! I come from a small town my self!

  2. It's been fun. I think you've shared things you might not have unless you "had" to.

  3. Connie, "all that glitters is not gold". I consider a "normal" life to be a huge blessing!!
