Monday, November 1, 2010

Meet Me On Monday Party.

Never Growing Old is hosting a Meet Me linky party.  Here is what she said:
Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!

Every Sunday I will post five get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

1. Have you ever been on a cruise?
2. What is your favorite way to eat eggs?
3. What is your favorite reading material?
4. Name all the pets that you have ever had?
5. Were you ever a girl/boy scout?

1.  Have you ever been on a cruise? 
No cruises for me but I would love to someday.  Maybe the Carribean.

2.  What is your favorite way to eat eggs? 
If I could eat just eggs by themselves then scrambled would be the way I would eat them.  Eggs by themselves make me throw up (tmi) so I don't get to eat them.
I really like Beverly's idea of eating them in a cake...or cookies?

3.  What is your favorite reading material? 
 I enjoy mystery books, especially anything by Mary Higgins Clark.  I also enjoy true crime and a good romance too.

4. Name all the pets that you have ever had?
Beau- a labrador retriever
Zeke-part beagle, part basset hound
Gretchen-German Shorthair
Bruno-half German Shepherd/St. Bernard
Shawnie-St, Bernard
Clyde-St. Bernard
Mindy-Brittany Spaniel
Hermy-hermit crab
Current pets: 1 cat that is 16 years old.  When she goes I don't think we will get anymore pets.


  1. Wow you have had a lot of pets! Personally, I can't imagine not having pets, especially dogs! I am your newest follower and it was so nice to meet you on this Meet Me on Monday!


  2. Love getting to know my favorite bloggers better. I have a book right now on my night stand by Marry Higgins Clark called Dashing through the snow. Wow.. you've had quite a number of pets!

  3. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the hop!

    Kristin :)
    Keenly Kristin

  4. Lovely blog. I did have a bit of trouble reading the black text, though. Just thought you may like that info. Anyhow, I'm your newest follower from Java's Meet Me On Monday blog hop. I hope you'll read my post on these questions at

    See you there, Cathy

  5. Love Mary Higgins Clark! I think I've read every book she's written. And I love the story of how she started. Great answers!

  6. Connie, I was going to make a post out of my answers but here they are instead.

    I've been on three cruises and loved everyone. Cruising is the way to travel and I'm hooked!

    I like my eggs scrambled and dry, if there is a hint of uncooked yolk I gag! HA

    I've had a slew of pets in my day and can't live without them. Currently we have three dogs, two cats, two horses and two fish..the fish were not by choice...they were left over from one of my college sons.

    I don't have a favorite author but do like to read. The book has to grab me in the first couple of pages or it's a no go. If it does grab me, I can't put it down causing the house to suffer until I've finished.

    I've really enjoyed your blog and it's been fun getting to know you!!

  7. How long did it take you to go through all the animals we have owned. I thought the beagle was Porkie, no pokie? You also forgot that cat who peed on your wedding shoes.

  8. What about Debbie the protective dog?

  9. Nice to meet a fellow animal lover and true crime lover! Visiting from the hop. Have a great week.
    Meet Me On Monday

  10. I've ready every Mary Higgins Clark book!
    Love your awesome canvas ideas!
