Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One Last Outing Before Winter

We went on one last camping trip before winter sets in.  I did my best to try and catch hold of the sun. In the Northwest it is hard to say goodbye to sunny weather because we know it might be months before we see the warm sunny days again.
We camped at Fort Stevens State park on the north Oregon coast.
Here is a shot of the sun coming through the trees in the morning

Our daughter Tasha and her family joined us on Sunday afternoon.  Here Spencer is learning to ride his bike without training wheels.  His dad, Jason, had to make only about three trips running beside him before he got the hang of it and zoomed off on his own.
In the background is the ship wreckage of the Peter Iredale that ran aground in 1906.
Here the boys had fun climbing on the hull of the ship.

The sun was shining but it was still cold (about 60 degrees) and breezy as you can see by my flying hairdo.

A photo of our pick-up on the beach.

Hubby and I on the beach.  We were celebrating our 37th wedding anniversary.

This is our youngest daughter Tasha and her hubby Jason.

Here is a picture of my handsome hubby of 37 years. (We were both so young when we married that I'm sure everyone thought "boy, that won't last.)  We sure showed them!
Well, goodbye to sunshine and warm weather until probably sometime next June or July.


  1. fun pictures!
    being with family is the best.
    Congrats on 37 years! What a blessing.
    I remember living in Boise, and the sun went behind the clouds from Nov to April. They kept saying, "We have Oregon winters." I had no idea what they meant, but was so relieved to see the sun again. It affected me alot while we lived there. That's one thing I love about CO winters...snow comes and goes and leaves a sunny day.
    Anyway, glad you celebrated the sun while you could!

  2. Looks like fun! Especially love that first picture.

  3. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I can't believe spencer caught on to riding a bike so quick. Great job Spence.

  4. Way to go taking that last trip out before Winter. Congrats to you and your hubby of 37 years!! That is awesome :) Looks like everyone had a wonderful time :D

  5. Happy, Happy Anniversary!! What a wonderful time spent at the beach! I love the beach! Too fun!!

    And congratulations to your grandson on mastering two wheels, what a big boy!!!

  6. Love the pictures--you're so right about wanting to catch the sun, I'm not looking forward to the months of rainy gray we'll be having!
    My husband and I were young too when we were married, we'll make it too! :)
