Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Stork Made Another Delivery

Our very own Mister William arrived this morning at about 9:30. Here he is getting his first bath, he was only about 20 minutes old. All fingers and toes were accounted for and he is a very healthy little guy.Here is William's mama just last night getting very anxious to have this baby. She was scheduled to be induced this morning at 7:00 but began contractions around 10:00 p.m. and they headed to the hospital around 3 a.m. She did really well but is very tired.

By the way, he was born right on his due date, what an obedient little guy he is.


  1. Welcome William :D Wow Connie, you're going to be a very busy Grandma having 2 new ones in the family :D I'm so excited for you!! Congratulations!

  2. YEA! for healthy mommies and healthy babies!

  3. Congrats again! What a sweetheart. Glad mom and baby are doing well.

  4. First of all I cannot believe how skinny she is! She is just a thin little thing with a baby bump.

    Second that is a cool picture - VEry VeRY New!! Straight from Heaven!!

    Congratulations to you and his parents including his skinny mom - Way to go!

  5. He is adorable! Congratulations!

  6. Aww, congrats Connie!!! What an incredibley blessed week you've had:)


  7. Congratulations on the two newest members of your family! How precious they are!

  8. Congratulations once again!! What a blessing to have two beautiful babies in less than a week. I'm glad to hear mama and baby are doing fine.

  9. Congratulations once again! What a great day to be born--it's also my dad's 80th birthday!

  10. It's going to be a month to remember! What a lucky Grandma you are!! Congratulations!

  11. Wow, two new grandbabies!! How fun..

  12. What a handsome fellow he is. My goodness what a Blessing, two healthy grandbabies in just a matter of days.

