Thursday, September 2, 2010

Game On....I Lost

OK, so yesterday was the first day of school for my daughter Maria's children and she called me to say that she didn't know where to begin with her house. She said she had so much on her list to do that she was overwhelmed so I challenged her to make a list of things that she either needed or wanted to do and I did the same. The challenge was to complete our lists (which each consisted of six 'projects' to complete) by 6 p.m.

I hit the ground running and got my first 5 items completed...I wanted to win this little challenge. Welllllllllllllllll, my last item didn't get finished (which was to cut and sand small blocks of wood for craft bazaar projects).

Maria took this challenge seriously, she is very competitive and was a woman on a mission to completely kick my hiney. And kick my behind she did. SHE WON!

She cooked for her family...

She did her dishes, cleaned out her refrigerator, swept her floors AND cleaned off all of the counters...

Baked a chocolate zucchini cake with freshly picked zucchini from her garden...

Cleaned and polished kitchen items all the while washing, folding and putting away four loads of laundry...

Maintained a beautiful home...

All while documenting everything for posterity.

She is not only ambitious and beautiful but a terrific wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.

(Way to get me motivated Maria. I might not have won but I did get more accomplished yesterday than all of last week.)


  1. Wow, not only am I impressed with all Maria got done, but I'm exhausted just reading it.

    Great Job!

  2. What a great idea! You have obviously raised an incredible woman!!!


  3. And she's still smiling?? Wow. LOL, that is a lot. She must of got those skills from someplace, must have been her mama.
    Now, Will you please share your secret for energy, I have officially lost every bit of mine!!!!

  4. I did kick some serious house cleaning booty and did it with a 2 year old around. It was a good day. Thanks for the challenge, it was fun.

  5. WoW! She is a champ! It takes me a week to get all that done. Ha! =)

  6. Hi Connie. I was just stopping by to let you know I recently changed my blog url and don't think my new posts have been showing up for my followers.(A relative made me aware of this!) Just thought I would give my blog buddies a heads up so you can "re-follow?" me. =) Have a great week!

  7. That is a great idea for motivation and wow she kicked hiney is right :) You did awesome too as you were on a mission woman :) Great job for both of you girls :)

  8. Ya'll have been busy! I love a challenge, and I think its so fun to use those opportunities to accomplish the not so fun stuff we all have to do. Yeah Maria... ooopsss... sorry Connie.. LOL!!!
