Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Using Wallpaper For Crafts

I recently posted about my acquisition of wallpaper sample books from Sherwin Williams. Here is one of the crafts I used some of that paper on. I took a simple black frame and spray painted it this aqua color then covered the matte with a coordinating paper. I then applied vinyl lettering onto the glass. I then inserted another coordinating paper to the opening behind the lettering.
Oh, the possibilities are endless with these wallpaper books. If you haven't visited your local paint and wallpaper store to ask about getting some of these books (for free) now might be a good time to do it. They usually pull outdated books around the end of each month.

I have joined these linky parties:
Toot Your Horn Tuesday
Transform Tuesday
The Creative Juices


  1. Can we have a moment of silence for my local S-W store? We had a flood of major proportions back in May and I imagine all their wallpaper books are permanently fused together. I will however be haunting other possible sources for their books! Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Great use of the wallpaper books Connie!! I'm glad that you reminded me as I'm driving by one this morning actually and will stop in to see if they have any! Love that idea and thanks for sharing that. Great idea :) This one you did with the aqua frame, love it!!

  3. Cute!! Such a great way to use up that wallpaper. The middle looks like burlap.

  4. Connie that is such a fabulous idea. I never even knew that stores got rid of those books but my wheels are already turning on what I could do with them.
    This sign of yours turned out GREAT!

  5. Hi Connie,
    That picture looks amazing. I love the striped wallpaper sample you used to cover the mat...I love the look of blue and brown together. Beautiful job!!
