Monday, July 26, 2010

Sun, Sand Dunes, Quads, Family and Friends

The Pacific Ocean at Florence, Oregon. Doesn't that white sand and clear blue sky look beautiful. (Who needs the tropics? Well, other than it is only about 70 degrees outside here.)
Spending time at the Oregon coast is a family tradition. We usually stay at Florence, which is on the central Oregon coast, and camp on the sand which makes it nice to just jump on your quads and take off riding on the dunes. It is a huge area designated for motorized vehicles to enjoy playing in the sand. You will see four wheel drive trucks and jeeps, dune buggies, four wheelers, motorcycles and every other imaginable toy to play in or on.

Here is my hubby with grandson Spencer on the beach.

Hubby again with grandson Matthew. Matthew talked grandpa into letting him ride his Banshee (aka, FAST BIKE). He has been riding quads since he was three and now that he is nine he likes new challenges. Fortunately for his mom and grandma's sanity grandpa only let him ride it with strict supervision. Needless to say this was the highlight of the trip for him, and grandpa was pretty proud too.

My daughter Tasha and son Dustin are chillin' just waiting to get our ride started.

Out for a day ride left to right, back row: Jim (hubby), Jason (son-in-law), Tasha (daughter), Dustin (son)

Front row: Spencer, Matthew (grandsons)

All of the bikes lined up.

Another angle of the bikes

Yep, that's this old grandma on a quad.

Wow, that helmet really emphasizes my fat cheeks, they are all squishy.
It's hard to tell from this photo but the drop off to this lake is like 200 ft. down to it from where we are.

Here is Dustin riding down to it...
...and then coming back up. This kind of riding makes me crazy. It is very hard to watch but these guys think nothing of it. I guess someone has to worry so I take that honor. Some things are better if I just don't know about them.


  1. Wow, just look at that sand. My family would be in heaven!

  2. Those pictures are so clear and look awesome! It looks really nice there. I know Dustin had a good time. I will have to tell him to check out your blog.

  3. One of our favorite vacations was at the sand dunes in St. Anthony, Idaho with my brother's family...quads, cool golf carts and way to much fun!

  4. I have tried several times to leave a message...but keep getting an error...

  5. Looks like you're having an awesome time. Florence is gorgeous!! And as for the helmet and your cheeks, you look gorgeous sweetie!! Enjoy!!

  6. Wow!! What a super fun time, There's nothing like sun, sand and water!! I love the helmet on you. I have one for my scooter and I feel the same way with the squishy cheeks!

  7. Those beaches are gorgeous! And not a drop of oil in sight!

  8. That looks like a lot of fun Connie. I bet the kids get a kick out of grandma on a quad!!
