Sunday, April 18, 2010

Touches of Spring and Summer

Having a bad cold and taking care of a two-year old cannot keep me from doing a little craft. I have been looking at one of my shelves and thinking that it needed something Springy on out to the garage to cut some wood blocks I went. (Grandpa was being a good sport and occupying little guy while I took a breather.) After sanding, painting, cutting paper, gluing down the paper and adding the lettering I was pretty happy with how they turned out.
And that's not all... I flipped those blocks around and added "Summer" to the back so now all I have to do is switch them out when summer arrives.

I thought I would throw in a picture of the two-year old tornado. He is a busy little guy, and ever so curious about everything. He is also picking up more words all the time, enough to question everything. He really is a happy little soul, so full of energy and sunshine.


  1. Love the blocks and good use of both sides! I hope you two feel better soon! :)

  2. Connie I love the blocks! Did you do the vinyl lettering yourself too? Thank you for sharing!
    ~ Jill

  3. Now, how did I catch this cold? Or did you catch it from me? LOL. That was quite a sneeze from one end of the country to the other. Hope you feel better. Mine has lasted 2 weeks now and I'm tired of it.
    Love the blocks and that shelf, looks super!
    Love the little man on the horse, so cute.

  4. I LOVE those blocks!! Great use of color. I feel happy just looking at them!!

  5. Super cute blocks. The display looks adorable too. Thanks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    much for taking my wild man for 5 days while being sick. I owe you about 100 hours of sanding!

  6. Ok.. now that's clever. I like how you made them 2 in 1! Very cute Connie. I had a feeling that's the little guy you were talking about. That boy is the cutest!

  7. How clever to use both sides of the blocks!
    I don't think I'd get anything done with a two year old running around! lol

  8. So cute...and the blocks are nice too. :)

  9. Cute! And so is the two year old.

  10. Thanks for the plug! I'm so glad people like you join my Link Parties. You've got some great ideas..not to mention fabulous eye candy here!
