Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Surprise!..........I Won A Giveway

I know, can you believe it? I actually won a giveaway from a dear sweet blogger named Cecelia, or better known as Sissy, who is a HUGE fan of WVU (whom I might add is in the final four for the NCAA tournament). She was contacted by CSN about doing a giveaway for them and she jumped right on it. I had my choice of a set of cookware or this ADORABLE birdie clock.
Isn't this just the cutest little clock? I love the 'chippy' paint and the little flowers, just too cute.
Thanks Sissy!
{OOPS, it looks like I neglected to dust the shelf. Oh well, now you know I am a terrible houskeeper, Drats!}


  1. What a cute little clock. Congrats on your big win! Oh, and I always forget to dust before taking photos - actually, I forget to dust, period. :)

  2. Congrats!! Cute clock. About the dust...didn't even notice it until you pointed it out!! Crazy lady!! Glad you're real like me!!

  3. I am so glad you got it!! It is beautiful! I am going nutso over this tournament. I would LOVE, LOVE to win a National Championship. But making it to the Final Four is awesome.

    Love ya,


  4. Awesome! Congrats! It is beautiful!!

  5. Congrats, that's a great clock.

  6. OH! Adorable! I won a trip to Mazatlan once! :)
