Thursday, February 4, 2010

Strike A Pose...HELP!

What does it take to get a decent picture for your profile? I need to know. Ok, so here is a series of pictures I took trying to get just the right one. HA! It ain't gonna happen. Either I go get a face lift or have professional photos taken that have been air brushed. This one is me untouched and no make-up. I am soooooo brave for even posting this, don't you think? When did the crow land and walk around my eyes? I don't recall that incident.
Cheesy smile, chunky cheeks, droopy eyelids...

Who am I kidding, I never open my eyes from my eyebrows, they look like they were taped up to open up my eyes. (Another Cheesy grin)

Ummm, not my best side.

Don't like this one either.

I think it's time for new glasses.


I think I will just have to stop this madness. I have come to realize that it isn't the camera with the problem, it's my aging face...hmmmmmmmm!!!!!!

I think I need braces. Ya that's the problem, it will solve everything (I wish).

So what do you do to get a good photo of yourself, I could use all the tips I can get.
I challenge anyone who stops by this post to go and post some of their head shots, and ladies let's see some without makeup. How Brave Are YOU?


  1. The 3rd one down or the very bottom one cropped! ;) thanks for stoping by love your header too!

  2. You are absolutely adorable!!! I like all of these pictures and love your glasses. I hardley ever wear makeup, but I have Brooke Shields eyebrows (think 80's) and I need a waxing. LOL It is very hard to get a good picture for your profile, because you are never happy with pictures of yourself.


  3. Well, I have to say that I've gone through this SAME drama.
    I finally got some good profile pics of myself not too long ago, and have used them ever since. LOL.
    The one I have now is from a trip to Cabo, but other than that, I have SUCH a hard time getting a GREAT picture, when taking them on my OWN!
    Here is a link to a post I did about this too.

    And just for you... here is a post with me and NO makeup! SCARY! haha
    PS... you look great, in most of these pics... quit being so hard on yourself!

  4. Uh.. no way. I'm not brave enough for no make up shots on the internet.. nope ain't a happen'n!!

    Ok.. I like shots 6 & 9 best.

    Few suggestions, only because you asked. Have someone else that is patient take the photos. Have them get higher than you, like standing in a chair, looking down at you. We ALL look better, thinner, less chins etc. when we are looking up. Use natural lighting, flash is a nasty, nasty thing..LOL!

    Just remember, you see the flaws, but we see the beautiful face God gave you.

  5. You're so funny--and very brave. There's no way I'm posting a picture of me without makeup! My secret is to use a picture that is almost four years old!

  6. Your too cute! I love the last one! I'm still struggling with a picture of myself too... I'll try... soon...

  7. Okay here's what I did:
    I went outside, sat on my porch, and asked my sweetheart to take my picture. And that's it. It was easy to smile my normal at him.
    The end.

    p.s. you are way braver than me.

  8. You are too funny! My sister and I were just talking about profile pics today actually....neither one of us really want to do one, so I was thinking we could disguise ourselves with a bunch of tools and goggles and a big craft project hiding the rest of us from the neck down. Sounds perfect to me! I love your last two photos the most! Good luck!

  9. I put a baby in the profile picture with me for distraction. I don't like to have my picture taken at all.
    I usually have my eyes shut in every picture. Sure could use some tips on how to prevent that.

    You look fine in the pictures you posted, by the way!

  10. Cracking up! You sure are brave! Give your camera to Dad (I know he will give the worlds biggest eye roll) and have him take a picture of you outside from above! Oh, never mind, he will surely not be patient enough, just bring your camera Saturday and I will take a good one. Helpful?

  11. This was the funniest post! I love it. And I love Maria's comment. I can TOTALLY see Jim's 'biggest eye roll ever'

  12. Everyone hates photos of themselves! I like the 5th from bottom (saying "I don't like this one either") and the last one, too.'re a cutie!!

  13. hey, i have glasses very much like yours!
