Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Project For The Day

I have been wanting to make something that I could display pictures of all of my grandchildren. This happens to be a 12x24 artists canvas with six 3x3 small artist canvases glued down. I Mod Podged pictures of my grandchildren that I printed off of the computer onto card stock. Lettering is made from vinyl. I painted the large canvas Apple Barrel #2609 goose feather. The small canvases are painted black before glueing down the photos. I also rubbed a black stain around the edges of the large canvas to give it an aged look. I still need to buy some wide black ribbon to attach to the back to hang it with.


  1. HI Connie!
    I recelved my awesome plaque today! The kids LOVE IT!!!
    I knew it was a weird request, but everyone who knows our family, knows we tease each other...and "LOATHE IS SPOKEN HERE" is one of our favorite sayings!!!
    I love it! It's already in the Family room!!

    Thanks so much!!

  2. That turned out cute, but Spencer looks like a special needs kid! Too funny!

  3. Beautiful family Connie.. it looks great!

  4. Very cute, BUT... What are you going to do as the family gets bigger? Since Courtney has one on the way and all...

  5. thanks for the sweet comment Connie, feel free to use a picture if you like. you don't need to publish this. ;O)

    I'm painting canvas today.. just got finished. Part of the room "redo", post to come.

    Have a great day!

  6. Ow wow now I seriously love this!!! We only have one grandchild in our family so far but this would be a fun thing to do with favorite pictures of my daughter for our own home.
