Tuesday, January 12, 2010

From Chaos Back to Creativity

After four months of crazily crafting for my bazaar I just couldn't bring myself to go back in a get started again. I knew I had to have an intervention of sorts with my crafting space. Luckily for me my awesome friend Shawn is an orginizational guru. All I had to do was put out the call for help and she came running while pushing up her sleeves ready for the challenge. She not only has a passion for organizing she is fantastic at it.

(The room wasn't really this bad, this is after I had begun the throw out process)

The first thing she had me do was begin on the first wall and go through everything (and I do mean everything) and determine:

1. Did it need to stay in the room?

2. Did it need to go in the garbage?

3. Did it need to go to another room?

4. Did I want to give it away?

There were boxes for each catagory. One of the best tips she had was the box of things that didn't belong in this room but needed to be put away in other areas of the house. My method would have been to try and put those type of things away right then thus becoming side tracked (and 2 hours later return where I started after straightening a drawer in the kitchen, taking a load of clothes out of the dryer, making some phone calls and flipping through the 600 channels on the tv,etc.).

(This is how bad it actually was to start with, stacks of stuff everywhere)

(Stuff stacked under the table too)
(Here is just one of the six piles of stuff purged out of the craft room)

Ahhhhh...ProgressI LOVE that I can see my ribbons at a glance, not stuffed in a drawer. I actully bought this ribbon holder a few months ago at Michael's with my 40% off coupon. Well worth the price!

You can't tell from the picture but these drawers are so organized it makes me giggle. Thanks Shawn.

Don't you just love how tidy it looks?

Here are fourteen containers that were not needed after the BIG cleanout! Impressive, huh.
I can't wait to get back to my creativity.
Ugh! Now I need to tackle my work area in the garage.
(I wonder what Shawn is doing next week?)


  1. YOu and I are on the same wavelength...my dh helped me make a Spring Cleaning chart on Sunday so I could tackle my work orderly and thoroughly! I cleaned out a closet today and feel like a new woman!! You go girl!!
    p.s. Thanks so much for your very kind comments on my blogpost, as always, I so appreciate you!

  2. Looks great Connie... now your all set to let the creativity flow.. can't wait to see what you come up with. I think Shawn deserves a latte.

  3. Looks awesome! I think I might even be able to find my way around in there now! Duncan wants to make sure you left a special spot in there for the empty cardboard tubes.

  4. Looks fabulous. Love the new monitor! What are you going to put in all of those empty containers?

  5. I need to borrow your organizing guru friend. LOL I keep saying I am gonna get organized and then my work period hits and I never get started. Rob is going to help me with some shelves tmorrow for my craft stuff.

    Can't wait to see some new creations.



  6. I really need someone to come do this to my office/hang out room.
    It looks awesome.
